The Mini Guide (Free)

In your Third Trimester and looking to prepare with more ease? To help you get started I created a Mini Guide. This will help you get familiar with the concept of Birth Preparation without overwhelming you.

Mini Guide Series (3 weeks, 5 emails)

What you will receive

Practical Tips & Bite Size Theory

The Pregnant Mind is forgetful, distracted and needs small bites to grasp information.

Access to the first chapter of Your Birth Guide (The Basics)

Knowledge Builds Trust - Getting Familiar with the Basics of Giving Birth will help you feel more at ease with what is to come.

Free Prenatal Exercise Download

Movement Aligns your Body for Birth

Free Affirmation Card Download

A Positive Mindset Leads to Confidence

Free Breathing Techniques Download

Relaxation Moves Birth Forward

You will feel more confident when you prepare

Learn what you can influence, and how to remain flexible.

Your Birth Guide

The full guide

Your Birth Guide covers everything you need to know about Giving Birth in a visual format. Designed to make the Pregnant Mind prepare with more ease. 192 pages, paperback.

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